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<br><br><br> <div id="banner"> <table width="560" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <? $sql=sprintf("SELECT a.*,b.m_path AS img_path,b.m_file AS img_file,c.m_name AS category FROM main AS a JOIN main AS b ON (a.m_id=b.m_parent_id AND b.m_code='preview_square') JOIN main AS c ON (a.m_parent_id=c.m_id) WHERE a.m_parent_id=%d AND a.m_status <> 2 AND (a.m_del = 0 OR a.m_del IS NULL) ORDER BY a.m_create_time DESC LIMIT 1", 10820); $query=mysql_query($sql,$db_conn); while ($rows=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { printf("<td width=\"229\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-right: 5px;\"><a href=\"http://www.sotovik.ru/%s/%s\"><img src=\"http://www.sotovik.ru/%s/%s\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" style=\"border: 1px solid #000000; margin-right: 5px;\"></a><a href=\"http://www.sotovik.ru/%s/%s\"><strong>%s</strong></a><p>%s</p></td>", $rows["m_path"],$rows["m_file"],$rows["img_path"],$rows["img_file"],$rows["m_path"],$rows["m_file"],$rows["m_name"],$rows["m_add_content"]); } mysql_free_result($query); $sql=sprintf("SELECT a.*,b.m_path AS img_path,b.m_file AS img_file,c.m_name AS category FROM main AS a JOIN main AS b ON (a.m_id=b.m_parent_id AND b.m_code='preview') JOIN main AS c ON (a.m_parent_id=c.m_id) WHERE a.m_parent_id=%d AND a.m_status <> 2 AND (a.m_del = 0 OR a.m_del IS NULL) ORDER BY a.m_create_time DESC LIMIT 1", 75503); $query=mysql_query($sql,$db_conn); while ($rows=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { printf("<td width=\"229\" valign=\"top\" style=\"border-left: 1px solid #c6c6c6; padding-left: 5px;\"><a href=\"http://www.sotovik.ru/%s/%s\"><img src=\"http://www.sotovik.ru/%s/%s\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" style=\"border: 1px solid #000000; margin-right: 5px;\"></a><a href=\"http://www.sotovik.ru/%s/%s\"><strong>%s</strong></a><p>%s</p></td>", $rows["m_path"],$rows["m_file"],$rows["img_path"],$rows["img_file"],$rows["m_path"],$rows["m_file"],$rows["m_name"],$rows["m_add_content"]); } mysql_free_result($query); ?> </tr> </table> </div>

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Топ 5

  • Hi-tech WEEK

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